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21-23 November 2024
Hall 4 - Bombay Exhibition Centre, (Nesco) Goregaon (E)
Announcement :

South Asia's Largest Occupational Safety & Health show is back for 3 days, 21-23 November 2024 Hall 4 Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon(E), Mumbai book your stall in best location

Live demonstrations, Latest Innovations, Global Experts, Certified Conference.

Explore PPE such as hard hat,safety gloves,gas mask,safety shoes,work wear,safety harness under one roof.

Safeguarding Workers in Construction Industry@ OSH South India 2023 Expo

Informa Markets in India has a dedicated show to spread awareness on Occupational Safety & Health for South Indian industry - OSH South India. The 8th edition of OSH South India is slated to be held in Chennai Trade Centre from 6-7 July, 2023.


Measuring the Safety Culture Amidst Numerous Guidelines in Health & Safety

When it comes to ensuring their health and safety processes are meeting best practice guidelines, many businesses turn to ISO as the benchmark standard. That's why many safety-conscious companies will be striving to meet the requirements of the ne


Ensuring Legal Remedies for Workers Injured at Workplaces

The British Safety Council has expressed its support for the Usdaw campaign for fair access to legal representation for injured workers. Usdaw, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, has been leading a campaign to lower the threshold limi


Ensuring Diversity and Equity in Working Conditions' Globally

A joint ILO-Eurofound report covering about 1.2 billion of the world's workers found stark differences in working hours, significant levels of intensive and emotionally demanding work and that the least-educated have worse overall working conditio


Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Women in Leadership Roles

Businesses with genuine gender diversity, particularly at senior level, perform better, including seeing significant profit increases, according to a new report from the Bureau for Employers' Activities of the International Labour Organization (I


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