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21-23 November 2024
Hall 4 - Bombay Exhibition Centre, (Nesco) Goregaon (E)
Announcement :

South Asia's Largest Occupational Safety & Health show is back for 3 days, 21-23 November 2024 Hall 4 Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon(E), Mumbai book your stall in best location

Live demonstrations, Latest Innovations, Global Experts, Certified Conference.

Explore PPE such as hard hat,safety gloves,gas mask,safety shoes,work wear,safety harness under one roof.

Key Benefits of Using Technology Extensively for OSH Trainings

Safety training is a crucial aspect of any workplace, as it helps ensure the well-being of employees and the overall success of a business. However, traditional methods of safety training, such as lectures and written materials, can be dry and dis


AI-Powered OSH Market Online: Connecting Buyers and Sellers Beyond the Expo

To maximize the interaction among exhibitors and buyers, an exclusive B2B online platform for exhibitors and visitors was launched at the OSH India Expo 2023. The AI-powered "Osh Market Online" uses machine learning algorithms to connect the exhib


Work-related deaths on the rise, global study shows

Deaths caused by workplace injuries and illnesses spiked an estimated 26% globally over a recent six-year period, results of a recent study indicate.Researchers from Tampere University and the International Commission on Occupational Health used d


Workers organizations must play key role in developing effective and sustainable social contract

A new social contract must be anchored in decent work and social justice, with special attention given to the promotion and implementation of International labour standards, according to the latest edition of the International Journaln of Labour R


Pulling an all-nighter can lead to unsafe decisions : study

Just 24 hours of sleep deprivation can significantly impact decision-making processes and may result in risky choices, researchers caution.A team from the University of Ottawa and the University of Pennsylvania asked 56 healthy people ages 21-55 t


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