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21-23 November 2024
Hall 4 - Bombay Exhibition Centre, (Nesco) Goregaon (E)
Announcement :

South Asia's Largest Occupational Safety & Health show is back for 3 days, 21-23 November 2024 Hall 4 Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon(E), Mumbai book your stall in best location

Live demonstrations, Latest Innovations, Global Experts, Certified Conference.

Explore PPE such as hard hat,safety gloves,gas mask,safety shoes,work wear,safety harness under one roof.

Blackline's connected safety solutions include a network of cloud-connected devices, including lone worker devices, single and multi-gas detection wearable devices and area monitors'.

Blackline Safety prides itself as a global connected safety technology company headquartered in Calgary, Canada to design, manufacture and manage portfolios of gas detectors, area monitors, and lone worker devices, all in-house. The sole intent of


11th edition of OSH India Expo Scheduled from 23-25 Nov, 2023 at Hall 4, Bombay Exhibition Centre

Informa Markets in India organises the largest OSH exhibition cum conference in South Asia, called OSH India, annually in Mumbai. The 11th edition is going to be held during 23-25 November, 2023 at Hall 4 in Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai. Infor


Implementing HSE Guidelines in Construction Industry - The Leader's Role.

For a while now, health and safety professionals within the construction industry have recognised the importance of tackling health issues and not just concentrating on safety. We commonly see issues including: poor health; increased levels of str


Mental WellBeing at Workplace - How it affects Productivity

An interviewee described how organisations use props to denote the status of site managers, such as separate, pristine welfare facilities for managers above 'slop houses' for workers. I've seen similar things on sites. It paints a picture of worke


The Safety Hazards Involved in Working in Night Shifts.

Almost two thirds (62%) of night workers are male, with women making up a third (38%) and the North West and Yorkshire have the highest rates of night-working, with one in nine people on night duty. According to the TUC night working is most commo


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