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27 - 28 JUNE 2024
Announcement :

100 + Safety and Health Equipment Manufacturers participating in OSH South India – Bangalore.

Visit OSH South India – Bangalore and avail reimbursement for your train travel.

South India’s Largest Occupational Safety & Health show is back in Chennai, June 27 – 28, 2024, Hall no. 1, Bangaluru International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore.. Book your stall in best Location : 7045909099.

Live demonstrations, Latest Innovations, Global Experts, Certification workshops.

Explore PPE such as hard hat, safety gloves, gas mask, safety shoes, work wear, safety harness under one Roof.

One of our biggest areas of focus this year is eye protection as we launch and expand our eye protection range

We spoke to Mr. Aniruddha Gupta, Executive Director, Intech Safety to understand the priorities of Indian OSH community in the current scenario, the industry verticals they cater to with their safety products and solutions, any new/innovative products they plan to launch in the near future, the marketing initiatives they plan to undertake to increase awareness around their products and services.

Interviewed by Adeesh Sharma

What are your priorities for Indian OSH community in the current scenario?

India is at the epoch for opportunity right now with the next decade or so will see large investments in infrastructure, this bring great opportunities for us as infrastructure would create jobs in the real economy which would drive demand. But this opportunity carries for us a fulfilling responsibility to ensure that our community is not only educated about the needs and norms around Health and Safety but work with companies like ours to develop the strongest systems in place for making the workplace safe. This means that a collective effort is required in educating users about standards and best practices, helping them grow their understanding of how better safety impacts their occupational and overall quality of life. Hopefully, it also induces a sense of positive competition which helps push all of us to better deliver our products and services to the market.

Which industry verticals you cater to with your safety products and services?

OSH South 2022, has been a great platform for us to display our head-to-toe solutions, we want to ensure that our customers do not have to look elsewhere for high quality innovative products therefore we serve them in most segment in the Personal Protective Equipment’s from Helmets to Fall Protection to Safety Shoes. Additionally, we have use case specific applications which we tackle in the mining safety, lighting safety, gas safety and fire safety segments, our entire product range intends protecting you all of you. Our range focuses not only covering a large segment of products but on being able to work with our customers to create solutions which match their needs with the ultimate goal of improving their occupational ecosystem. For example, if a user who is in an environment with a lot of fumes we will look at what our best matched products for them might be and guide them towards using respiratory and eye protection from our catalogue.

Any new/innovative products you plan to launch in the near future?

One of our biggest areas of focus this year is eye protection as we launch and expand our eye protection range over the next many months. This range would include spectacles and goggles which are designed keeping in mind not only user functionality but ensuring consistent comfort over prolonged use. Additionally, we are also very excited about our gas safety products from gas detection to gas masks as they are extremely innovative products with years of R&D behind them, our full face mask is best in class far ahead of others in the market which when combined with our canisters provided superior experience in hazardous environments. Safety Shoes is a new part of our arsenal which has enabled us to provide high quality wear for foot protection with all standard features but with more high-performance designs and aesthetics which are reminiscent of outdoors. We have a lot more coming up which we are super excited about.

What kind of marketing initiatives you plan to undertake to increase awareness around your products?

It’s really for us about using the Design Thinking approach, which means going out on the field and talking to actual consumers on their needs, their experience with solutions and their understanding. The key for us is to put a deep empathy at the centre of it all as it gives us a deeper understanding and connection to our users. That’s very important to us because at the end of the day we are protecting human lives and we believe its impossible to do so without understanding the humans we are protecting in the first place. Additionally, we go out on the field training our users on the need for safety in the workplace and how improving the quality of the same is a win-win situation for all, it improves productivity, reduces hazards and makes people feel more valued. For the purchasers high quality safety reduces overall costs while for consumers it makes them safe and better performing team members.

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